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Paul Wood, Chippingdale Cricket Club Fundraising and Community Co-Ordinator reports:


WKDS - Wednesday 17th June 2015:


To continue our great work within Chipps breakfast club and in the community,

Pete Mansell and Myself visited Tuesday evening to WKDS.

On behalf of Chippingdale Cricket Club we delivered an one and half hour taster

session. We demonstrated batting and bowling technique, then with a mixed group

boys and girls and abilities we played a game of quick cricket.

Not only did we find some talented players they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves

and all played with smiles on their faces.


Pete and i would like to thank all at WKDS for allowing us to showcase some cricket and for their hospitality.

We both agreed we had great fun and if you would allow us to come back we would love to do another session maybe after the summer holidays


Thanks to Pete for all his continued hard work.


At WKDS they are always looking for funding for all sorts of activities and hopefully through the Chipps breakfast club maybe there is a business or organization that we might be able to tie up with them.


They are also looking for volunteers for couple of hour on a Tuesday night 6-8 so if you can help please contact me on 07939044698 and i will tie you up with them at WKDS.






More updates coming - In the meantime, please see the Breakfast Club page for more information.


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